About Us

Kalika Sanskrit Vidyapeeth was established by the leadership of socio- political leader Tilak Prasad Sapkota and his contemporary colleagues for the enrichment of Sanskrit and Aayurveda. Now it is the constitute campus of Nepal Sanskrit University.
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नेसंवि. स्थापना दिवसका सम्बन्धमा ।

मंसिर २५, नेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय स्थापना दिवसका अवसरमा ने.सं.वि.अन्तर्गतका आङ्गिक विद्यापीठ क्याम्पसहरूमा बिदा हुने प्रचलन रहेकाले भोलि मिति २०८१ मंसिर २५ गते विद्यापीठ बिदा हुने...

Kalika Sanskrit Vidyapeeth

kalika Sanskrit Vidyapeeth  was established in 2004 as a Sanskrit-language school located in Gaindakot of Nawalparasi district of Nepal. It was established by local people with donations collected through a mahayagya. The government has been providing monthly incentives to the students of Sanskrit schools. Kalika Sanskrit Vidyapeeth the status of a constituent college of Nepal Sanskrit University and supported from University Grant Commission of Nepal. It offers two years’ Sanskrit Intermediate course Uttar Madhyama and three years’ Bachelor level Course Shastri.


Ayurveda Research and Training Hospital

The institute will have a Teaching hospital attached to it, at least one bed for five students. Hence there will be hundred beds in view of twenty students. We need a well-equipped building for the conduction of Bachelor Ayurveda Medicines and Surgery(BAMS).

Yoga and Naturotherapy

At present lifestyle (food, exercise and sress management) medicine scope is high in the world. Yoga and Naturotherapy are regarded the best sources of this lifestyles. In this context, Vidyapeeth is planning to prescribe international standard crriculam of these two genres of lifestyle and proposes to contruct a separate center for its practice.

Planetarium (Vedhshala)

A planetarium is planned to be set up so as to make its both theroretical and practical study effective and convenient. Its height ranges 80 to 110 fits.

Research Center and Laboratory:

The Institute will require a building consisting of administrative and academic block with research center and laboratory in order for research work, drug manufacture and experiments. It will have a data bank and documentation center for Ayurvedic manucripts, medicinal herbs and recent developments on Vedic health science and astronomy.

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